1. Create your account and register

To register your kit, please visit the registration page to create your account.

2. Pick your day to submit your sample

Select the day you plan to submit your sample. You must wait at least 12 weeks and have 20 ejaculations after vasectomy. Please ensure your schedule allows you to drop your return box at a UPS store the same day you collect your sample.

3. Open the Condom and deposit your sample

Open the Condom provided (or your own) and gently slip it on. Ejaculate into the condom. Once done, gently remove the condom without spilling the sample.

4. Place the Condom in the Transport Tube and add the Preservative

  1. Open only the top lid of the Transport Tube as pictured to the right. 
  2. Gently stretch the Condom around the top perimeter of the open tube.
  3. With the top of the Condom securely around the top of the tube and the sample sitting inside the body of the tube, add and mix the preservative from one vial. Note: The 2nd vial is only provided in case you accidentally spill the first vial. 
  4. The 2nd vial is a backup only in case you spill the first one. You can discard the 2nd vial if it's not needed. Firmly secure the lid by pressing to top lid back on the body of the tube, sealing the tube and ensuring the top plug remains securely in place.

5. Repackage, seal, and ship!

Place the Transport Tube in the Biohazard Bag and then place it back in the box. Place the prepaid Shipping Label on the top of the box covering the kit logo. Seal the box securely and drop it off at any UPS location.

6. Wait for Your Results

You'll receive an email when your kit has been received and your sample has been analyzed.

Questions or comments? Contact us!